Public Safety Addition – Design-Build, Springfield, MI

Public Safety Addition
Public Safety Addition – Design-Build, Springfield, MI


  • LOCATION Springfield, MI
  • SERVICES Design Build
  • SIZE 6,500sf

project description

Location: Springfield, MI
Redstone Scope of Services: Design Build
Project Size: 6,500sf (renovated portion and addition)
Final Construction Cost: $800,000
Completion Date: Spring, 2008
Client Contact: Scott Furgason, Director of Public Safety (269) 965-7795
Redstone Architects, Inc. completed an addition and renovation for the City of Springfield’s Public Safety Department. The Needs Assessment resulted in a recommendation of a 2,700 square foot addition to the existing facility.  The addition provided for the upgrading of administrative offices, and locker rooms, as well as the addition of a briefing area, evidence and property rooms.  The project was a design build effort with O’Brien Construction Company.
